Kiddush Levana
Looking to see when Kiddush Levana will be able to be said? You're in the right place.
Below find cloud cover forecasts and chances of being able to say Kiddush Levana for the next few nights.
Forecast for: Rosh Chodesh Iyar
Last Update: 2:46pm Sunday, April 30
Sunday Evening
Cloudy skies to start, becoming clear after 11pm. Chance of visibility: 15% then 65% late
Monday Evening
In and out behind the clouds. Chance of visibility: 45%
Tuesday Evening
Numerous clouds likely followed by clearing. Chance of visibility: 25% then 45%
Wednesday Evening
Numerous clouds followed by clearing. Chance of visibility: 20% then 50%
Rainy conditions will clear late in the evening tonight. Monday, it will be in and out behind the clouds. Tuesday through Thursday, afternoon to evening showers will clear as the evening progresses, providing the best - and final - opportunities for Kiddush Levana in the late evening.